How To Play
1. Choose a challenge and make sure you pay attention to the location of each penguin - you might have one or more penguins to position!
At STARTER/JUNIOR level you are given the form and the position of one or more puzzle pieces to get you off to a flying start, and to show you how the game works.
2. Arrange the 5 puzzle pieces on the game board, one next to the other so they all fit, and at the same time, make sure all the penguins are positioned as indicated in the challenge:
. To succeed you must change the shape of the pieces of ice by sliding the two parts of each puzzle tile up and down to find a shape that fits.
. When the challenge shows fewer then 5 penguins, you can choose where to put the other penguins.
. The direction the penguins face is not important. When you look at your challenge, you only need to pay attention to which position each penguin is in, not the direction.
3. There is only one correct solution. You can find all the solutions at the back of the challenge booklet.